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Level 3 Solutions

Table of Contents

Assignment 1

Make a count up timer from 0 to 7. Represent the numbers in 3-bit binary digits using 3 LEDs. On running your code the LEDs should light up to represent 1 and switch off to represent 0. You must also include a push-button to reset the counter whenever you want.

void setup()
  //Initialize all pins
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(6, INPUT);

void loop() {
  for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) //i loops from 0-7
    //Each LED assigned a bit of binary value of i
    digitalWrite( 5, ((i >> 2) % 2) == 1);
    digitalWrite( 4, ((i >> 1) % 2) == 1);
    digitalWrite( 3, ((i >> 0) % 2) == 1);

    if (digitalRead(6)==1)

//Reset function
void reset()
  //makes all LEDs off
  digitalWrite( 5, 0);
  digitalWrite( 4, 0);
  digitalWrite( 3, 0);

  Have a look at our binary couter!
