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Level 1 Solutions
Table of Contents
Assignment 1
Print your intro on the Serial Monitor.
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //Begin serial communication at 9600(Baud rate)
Serial.println("Hi, I'm Bhavya Jain"); //Print text
Serial.println("ID No- 2020A7PS0240H");
Serial.println("I'm from Mumbai and my hobbies are reading, sports and robotics!");
void loop(){ }
You can see an example intro here.
Assignment 2
Swap the last two numbers of your ID. (Don't Hardcode swapped numbers)
void setup()
//Initialize all variables
int a = 0;
int b = 2;
int c = 4;
int d = 0;
//Print original ID number
Serial.print("Original id no. is ");
//Print last 2 numbers in reverse order
Serial.print("Swapped id no. is ");
void loop(){ }
Try adding your ID number and check
Assignment 3
Make an H-bridge but instead of Motor, you have to use 2 LEDs.
- 1st LED should glow in one configuration &
- 2nd LED should glow in other configuration
void setup()
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //Initialize the pins as output
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(3, HIGH); //1st configuration where 1st LED is on
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
delay(1500); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)
digitalWrite(3, LOW); //2nd(reverse) configuration where 2nd LED is on
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
delay(1500); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)
You can simulate the H-Bridge here.