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Level 1

Table of Contents

Basic Electronic Components

To get a brief overview of the section please watch the following video


  • PN Junction diode that emits light.
  • Longer end is the anode (positive) and shorter end is cathode (negative)
  • Usually Red Wire is connected to positive terminal and Black wire is connected to negative terminal.
  • Voltage requirements : 1.2-3.6V


  • The place where you will be making all your connections.
  • The holes of the breadboard are interconnected in a specific fashion which can be seen below :

Jumper Cables

  • To make connections on the breadboard we use jumper cables.
  • We have male to male and male to female connectors.
Swipe to see more images


  • A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element.

Basic Programming Fundamentals

Data Types

In programming a data type is simply an attribute of data which tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use data.

  • int - stores integer values.
  • float - stores fractional values.
  • double - same as float but higher precision.
  • char - stores character's ASCII Value.
  • bool - holds either true or false value
Data Types


In programming, a variable is a storage location associated with a name and is used to store value of a data type. The syntax for declaring variable is as follows: data-type v1; where v1 is the name of variable.

int A = 5;
float B = 6.9;
double C = 7.23789;
bool D = true;
char E = 'A';
String F = "ARC is Love";

Static and Constant Variables


An operator in a programming language is a symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform a specific mathematical, relational, or logical operation and produce final result.

Different types of operators

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Relational Operators
int a = 12, b =5;

int c = a + b; // c = 17
int d = a - b; // d = 7
int e = a * b; // e = 60
int f = a / b; // f = 2
int g = a % b; // g = 2 (Remainder)

Basics of Arduino Programming

Hello World

You’re going to learn how to use Serial Monitor and Display a simple message on it. The code on TinkerCAD will look something similar to this-

String message = "Welcome to Level Up by ARC";

void setup(){
	Serial.begin(9600); // Setup serial monitor with a baud rate of 9600 bits per second

	Serial.println(message); // Print message onto the serial monitor

Syntax - Serial.println(val, format)

  • val : Value to print val can be any data type
  • format : Specifies base(for int type) or number of decimal places (for floating point type)