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About the workshop

Table of Contents



Automation and Robotics Club introduces to you its flagship event of the year, Robotics 101, where we take you through a world filled with electronics and other exciting tools you will learn in the 3-day workshop held in BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus. This workshop will give you hands-on experience with physical components, etc.

The workshop will cover concepts such as:

  • Installing and Using Arduino IDE
  • Tinkering with various sensors offline and on tinkercad
  • Uploading code onto an Arduino Uno board
  • Arduino-specific C Programming
  • Electronic Components and their working

The above will comprise the essential knowledge and skills required to complete a capstone project. The kit provided will support doing projects such as:

  1. Line Follower Bot
  2. Light Seeking Bot
  3. Obstacle Avoider
  4. Radar and many more

The technical workshop will be based on a physical hands-on kit that the participants can purchase from our portal and has zero prerequisites. The participants will be exposed to the fundamentals of programming, electronics, and design which make up the foundation of robotics.


  • Day 0 - Software Setup and Distribution of Kits: 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm
  • Day 1 - Electronics: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Day 2 - Electronics: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Day 3 - Capstone project: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm A certificate will be issued upon completing the assignments and the final capstone project contingent on having 70% attendance in the live sessions. The certificates will be electronically mailed to the participants at the end of the workshop. Given the hands-on nature of the workshop, the participants are encouraged to procure the kit around which the workshop has been designed.

Electronic Components:

  • Students will be made to work with sensors and devices such as Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic Sensors, Arduino Unos, Resistors, ICs, Multimeters, Potentiometers, and IR Sensors.

Workshop Arrangements and Other Details:

  • Students will have to get their laptops to work on these devices
  • At least one laptop is needed per kit
  • Extension cords will be provided
  • Power backup in case of power failure
  • Kit distribution shall occur on the first day of the workshop at the venue.


There are no prerequisites for attending the workshop


3 Days

Point of contact:

Adithyashailender Umesh - 9778709814 - Aditya Gupta - 7084011121 - Divyateja Pasupuleti - 9502833111 -

About ARC

The Automation and Robotics Club (ARC) is a part of the Technical Senate of BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus. If curiosity and innovation are your assets, you've found the right place for yourself. We take up promising challenges, workshops, and projects that combine electronics, mechanics, and programming. The only prerequisite to joining us - is the desire to quench your curiosity and express yourself.

Workshop Requirements

You will need the following:

  • Laptop with Arduino IDE installed
  • Line Follower Workshop Kit (Components listed below)
  • Basic C programming knowledge is helpful but not mandatory. (CS F111: Computer Programming at BITS will suffice)

If you have not completed the course or are looking to brush up some concepts, worry not! We will be providing resources for the same as soon as you register.

Workshop Kit


Kit Components Checkist:

1Robot Chassis1
2BO Motors2
3Arduino UNO R31
4USB AB Cable for Arduino1
5IR Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module2
6L293D - Motor Driver Module1
8Wire Stripper1
9Solderless Breadboard1
10HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder Module1
11Jumper Wire Set1
13Battery Snap1
155mm Yellow LED5
16820 Ohm Resistance5
171.8K Ohm Resistance5
18Single Strand Wire (Black) - 1m1
19Single Strand Wire (Red) - 1m1
217805 Voltage Regulator IC1

Other parts to be kept handy

  1. Double-sided Tape
  2. Black Insulation Tape
  3. 4 AA batteries

Workshop Schedule

  • Day 1 - 25th November, 2022
    • Session 1
  • Day 2 - 26th November, 2022
    • Session 1
  • Day 3 - 27th November, 2022
    • Session 1

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the arrow to expand answers

Can non-bitsians participate ?

This workshop is open only for BITSians who are currently on campus.

Is it compulsory to buy the kit ?

Yes, it is compulsory to buy the kit in order to attend the workshop. You can purchase the kit individually, for which the price is Rs.2999, or in a team of 2, for which each team member must pay Rs.1450.

Do I need to have any programming or electronics experience to attend the workshop?

The workshop does not have any prerequisites. All the required topics from programming, electronics, and design will be taught right from the fundamentals. The participants are just expected to follow along with the physical kit.

How long will the shipping take for the kit ?

The kits will be delivered to the campus before the workshop.