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Day 2
Processing IDE
Welcome to Day 2 :) Previously we learnt how to draw different shapes. Now, as you know, GUI is not only about animations, it also takes inputs from user. So in this session, we will teach that how to read different types of inputs in different ways
For reading mouse coordinates, there are inbuilt variables which represents live cooridnates of mouse. Syntax - mouseX, mouseY mouseX represents X-coordinate of the mouse, similar mouseY represent Y-coordinate of mouse
Let's create a moving rectangle
As you can see, it is following me, but also creating a mess ;-;
For that, we could just add background(51)
at the start
[2022-04-12 21-01-03.mkv](/static/images/processingResources/2022-04-12 21-01-03.mkv)
Let's paint something with mouse. For that, we need to know new and previous coordinate of the mouse We can time-by-time save previous coordinate of mouse. But to prevent all these complexities, processing IDE has inbuilt variables for that also
Syntax - pmouseX, pmouseY
These are the system variables that always contains the horizontal and vertical position of the mouse in the frame previous to the current frame.
But eh....it continously paints. How do I make the code such that it draws only when I wish.
Let's discover some more functions related to mouse.
Variables :- mousePressed, mouseButton mousePressed - Inbuilt system variable, which returns true when mouse is pressed, returns false if mouse is not pressed mouseButton - When a mouse button is pressed, the value of the system variable mouseButton is set to either LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER, depending on which button is pressed. When nothing is pressed, it returns to zero
Functions - void mousePressed()
- Called once after every time a mouse button is pressed void mouseClicked()
- Called once after a mouse button has been pressed and then released void mouseDragged()
- Called once every time the mouse moves and a mouse button is pressed void mouseReleased()
- Called every time a mouse button is released void mouseMoved()
- Called every time the mouse moves and a mouse button is not pressed void mouseWheel()
- The code within the mouseWheel() event function is run when the mouse wheel is moved
Let's make a painter which only paints when we wish (i.e., when we press left key of mouse)
Similar to mouse, processing IDE also reads keyboards input in similar way.
Variables : key - The system variable that always contains the value of the most recent key on the keyboard that was used (either pressed or released) keyCode - Used to detect special keys such as the UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT arrow keys and ALT, CONTROL, SHIFT keyPressed - The boolean system variable that is true if any key is pressed and false if no keys are pressed
Functions : void keyPressed()
- Called once every time a key is pressed void keyReleased()
- Called once every time a key is released void keyTyped()
- Called once every time a key is pressed, but action keys such as Ctrl, Shift, and Alt are ignored
Let's modify the previous paint code by adding a feature which will clear the windows if we pressed 'c'
Drawing Text
If you want to draw a text, instead of going through a lot of shape functions to just make an alphabet, which will be very hectic, there is an inbuilt function just for this purpose.
Syntax - text(val,x,y) val - It could be string, number or a character x - X-coordinate of text y - Y-coordinate of text
Let's perform an example
For increasing it's size, we could use textSize()
You are all prepared for Day 3 capstone project :)