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Assignments for Day 2

Table of Contents

Electronics Assignment

Q1 - Demonstrate the Wheatstone bridge practically using real components included in your kit by connecting 5 LEDs and 5 resistors as a bridge circuit. See how 4 LEDs light up while the 5th LED, which is bridged, doesn't glow. The connections have to be made as shown in the circuit diagram below.


Q2 - As you know now in times of Covid-19 many people gathering in a small shop can cause probems. So, in today's assignment, you have to design a bidirectional visitor counter using IR (Infra-red) Sensor.

The working would be as follows:

  1. There will be 2 IR sensors placed at the entrance.
  2. They would detect if the person enters the room or exits.
  3. If the person enters total count increases by 1 else if person extis then count decreases by 1
  4. Everytime there's a movement you have to Serial print the number of people in the room.

The output should look like this.


You can update it to have automatic lights in the room.

  1. If no. of people is zero then lights off.
  2. If no. of people >0 lights on.

CAD Assignment

Hope you're having fun with CAD!

Q1 - Make a 2D drawing of the gear shown below from the ARC logo on OnShape.


You can refer to this image for the dimensions of the gear


Q2 - Your next assignment is making the same 2WD chassis that you have received in your kit. This assignment is a fun one so take your time with it and feel free to be creative as well !


Your Assembly will include the following parts:

  1. Acrylic Chassis
  2. Acrylic Tabs
  3. BO Motor
  4. Wheel

Use appropriate mates for your assembly. Make sure that your wheels rotate on the motor's axle.

Note: Check out the Offset option while using Mates.

Final Assembly Views:


Assembly Parts

1. Chassis Dimensions + Views:

Note the location of the two slots towards the front. These are where your IR sensors go!



2. Tab views


3. Motor Views:


4. Wheel Views: