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Piano Stairs

Contributed By - Rajat Bansal


Converting normal stairs into the keys of piano so that when someone steps on the stairs and one particular key of piano plays.

The light sources should be on one side of the stair, the photo-resistors on the other. In this setup, the Arduino reads from the sensors and plays a tone using PWM format by sending the signal wave to the speaker.

Hardware used

  • Arduino mega 2560
  • 1 Watt Led
  • Photo resistors
  • Resistors of values-4.7K ,10Ω
  • Cardboard
  • Speaker
  • 5mm Audio socket
  • 5mm audio jack
  • Single Strand wire
  • 5 V power supply


A photo-resistor’s resistance value changes with respect to the intensity of light falling on it.


Basic circuit

Repeat this circuit 10 times to make an array.

Also, make a array of 1 watt led to illuminate the LDR


Code:- Pitches
