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Maximum Luminosity Detector
Contributed By - Shivam Bhagat
To make a vehicle that autonomously orients in the direction of maximum light exposure, controlled via Bluetooth.
Hardware Used
- Arduino Uno-1
- L298 Motor Driver IC-1
- LDRs – 4
- TowerProMicroServo Motors- 2
- Potentiometers – 2
- Cardboard
- DC Motors-2
- Bluetooth module-HC05-1
- Lead-acid battery-1
The vehicle is controlled wirelessly by a keyboard through Bluetooth. It moves to a particular area of choice, and when given a command, it orients to the spatial position where it receives maximum amount of light. (Designed for a solar panel).It has 2 degrees of freedom, 1 horizontal, and 1 vertical. The tolerance value and speed can be controlled using potentiometers.