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Hologram Projector
To reconstruct and scale up the prism type hologram projector.
Hardware used
- Projector
- Rear projection screen
- Fiberglass prism
- PVC and Cast Iron Support frame.
The whole project was based on the smaller version of the mobile Holo4 projector for smartphones. It works on the principal of Total internal reflection and Partial Reflection between the Fiberglass layers. The whole frustum of the pyramid was scaled 10x keeping the dimensional ratios constant and changing the material from plastic to Fiberglass. The basic working of hologram is based of the 4 way image reflection on each side of the prism which gives us an illusion of 3D live hologram. The screen is replaced by a rear projection screen with a projector underneath form which the image bleeds and gets reflected on the prism. The whole setup is supported by by a PVC and Cast Iron frame structure. The images and videos were specially designed and rendered for the setup using softwares like premier pro, blender and Photoshop.